Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The dog left me a little present tonight, well actually he left me a couple. Not only did he get into the trash but he also pooped in my bathroom. I am glad someone has time to poop because I sure don't. Maybe if I would have picked up the dog ease pheromone plug in at pets mart last night he wouldn't have been so stressed out tonight. Or maybe I should just tie his leg to a pole.
I went to a meeting tonight for 6th grade parents on parenting. No, they didn't make me go because I sent my first grader to school in a nun costume on the wrong day. All parents of sixth graders were required to attend. Anyway I learned that there is a new group of kids in our generation, not only is there adolescents they now have a category called adultescence. That is for college students who have no responsibility other than their grades. I learned that this new group ends at age 27. WHAT!!! Am I going to be raising all my babies until age 27??? When I was 27 I had five kids. I was responsible for more than just grades. Speaking of grades, I got a field trip assignment for my art class. I am supposed to visit the art museum and sketch something that I see there. Not only am I supposed to sketch something, but I am expected to ask a complete stranger to take my picture in front of the subject that I am going to sketch to prove that I was actually there. I think I would rather put a hot poker in my eye.
Sam turns 21 tomorrow. Where did the years go??? It seems like just yesterday that she was fighting with Lauren over clothes. Oh wait a minute I think that was just yesterday!!! Seriously , she has become an amazing young lady right before my eyes. I am proud to call her my daughter. What an amazing kid I have. As parents you guide your children as best you can and hope that they make great decisions into adulthood. So far so good. (Well, with the exception of Brad) Anyway, Happy Birthday Sam!!! I love you!! I hope Brad doesn't read my blog!!

1 comment:

Kila said...

I'm glad I found your blog. What a great family you have, and I love the family photos!

Had to laugh at, "I am glad someone has time to poop because I sure don't." I've often thought the same thing!

Happy 21st Birthday, Sam! Be good!

And no way are my kids staying kids past 18, LOL.